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A pasteurian honored: Mr. LIM Hokkean

Mr. LIM Hokkean is in charge of Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Maintenance-Metrology (HSeQM) at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) since 2002. Apart from his professional activity at the IPC, he coordinates the humanitarian activities in Cambodia of the association Tonlé Sap Collectif – a French association under the law of 1901 – founded in Paris and chaired by Mr. Jean Philippe BRUN since 2012. The association contributes to support the population, especially children, in the Cambodian countryside.


Since July 2022, Mr. LIM has been working with the inhabitants of the township (“district”) of Prasat Balang, a district located in the province of Kompong Thom, with the participation of Mr. BRUN and Tonlé Sap Collectif, on a project to construct a three-classroom building, within the elementary school of Dorng Untak. The building was started in November 2022 and was completed in January 2023.


On April 24, 2023, the new building was inaugurated by His Excellency Mr. NGUON Ratanak, Governor of Kompong Thom Province. On this occasion, the medal of Chevalier of the Royal Order of Monisaraphon was awarded to Mr. LIM and Mr. BRUN