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Medical and Veterinary Entomology

The objective is to understand and to integrate the factors influencing the distribution of vector species leading to transmission of pathogens. All the scientific thematic taken together allow to understand the threats in the field and to help the stakeholder to qualify and fight the threats.

Scientifically, the team focused mainly on the impact of anthropization and climate change on the distribution of the vector species. It integrated all the different steps from the reservoir, the adaptation, the competition, the bridge vector effect, the vector competence until the possible vector control method.


Medical and Veterinary Entomology

For more information about this unit, please contact

Our Projects


NIH PICREID Project: Pasteur Institute – Center for Research for Emerging Infectious Diseases (PICREID)

The PICREID project has as its objective to establish a One Health approach in order to improve the capacity to respond rapidly and effectively to emerging infectious diseases outbreaks in Southeast Asia. The surveillance enhancement component of the PICREID project is based on RNA virus detection, understanding of endemic RNA virus transmission, determination of factors influencing RNA adaptations to new hosts and adaptive responses of emerging infectious diseases.

The mosquito component aims to study the dynamics of the main dengue virus vector species in Kampong Thom Province (Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti), to describe the mosquito behaviors, to characterize their ecological niches to further analyze and model the spatial distribution and the land-use effects on the dynamics. The other objective will be to model the risk of dengue by linking the number of dengue vectors and the number of dengue cases in humans. Finally, we also coupled the pathogen discovery objective with an entomological-based genomic surveillance, in collaboration with Institute Pasteur in Paris.

In 2021, 12 field missions were planned and 11 were done. The planned April 2021 mission could not be conducted due to Covid restrictions. In total, we collected 37,824 mosquitoes that year. Of the collected mosquitoes, 12,084 were sent to IP Paris for virus discovery.


Funding: National Institute of Health

Project period: 2020-2024


Preventing Zoonotic Diseases Emergence (PREZODE)

Within the Prezode Initiative, Cambodia is involved in the AfriCam project (2022-2024) in which four African countries (Cameroon, Guinea, Madagascar, Senegal) and one Asian country (Cambodia) are involved. The AfriCam project will aim to:

  • Study the risks of emergence of zoonotic diseases impacted by the hydrological dynamics, climate and environment in diversified ecosystems representing key animal/human/environment interfaces
  • Implement activities to reduce the emergence of zoonotic risks and strengthen, in coordination with local and national partners, the existing surveillance systems towards integrated surveillance One Health.

The overall project has three main components:

  • The risk assessment for zoonotic disease emergence,
  • Environmental and climate influence,
  • The prevention strategies for risk reduction of zoonotic emergence and the reinforcement of surveillance towards an integrated One Health system.


Funding: French Development Agency (AFD)

Project period: 2023-2026


Biodiversity Conservation to Mitigate the Risks of Emerging Infectious Diseases (BCOMING)

The project will analyze mechanisms underlying the impact of biodiversity on the risk of infectious disease emergence and aims to define tools of context-adapted biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies to reduce zoonotic risk. Surveillance strategies and pathogen detection would be implemented.

Biodiversity loss in hotspots of biodiversity is, among other socio-ecological factors, key to understanding, preventing and reacting to future pandemics. Despite this knowledge, the current COVID-19 crisis highlights the limitations of the implementation of One Health approaches. A main limitation is the lack of context-adapted solutions that stakeholders can easily be implemented in the field. To overcome this, BCOMING will build on past international projects to co-construct innovations with all stakeholders of biodiversity hotspots to reduce the risk of infectious disease emergence through biodiversity conservation and disease surveillance strategies.

The project activities will be implemented in Europe and three tropical biodiversity hotspots in Southeast Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean. BCOMING will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the impact of biodiversity on the risk of infectious disease emergence. Participatory tools developed will facilitate the design of context-adapted biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies that reduce zoonotic risk. The surveillance strategies and pathogen detection tools developed will improve the capacity to detect emerging epidemics and arrest them before they turn into pandemics. The consortium constitutes a strong multi-actor group of partners with a history of successful cooperation including academics from biomedical, environmental and social sciences, private companies, NGOs, local and international stakeholders who bring together the wide range of disciplines and expertise required to reach all the expected outcomes of the proposal. The embedding of BCOMING in the Prezode Initiative will help to scale up the project innovations and disseminate cutting-edge socio-economic environmental strategies.

Funding: European Union (Horizon 2020)

Project period: 2022-2026


Southeast Asia Tick Determination Key (SEA TICKEY)

This project aims to develop a determination key for tick species for all the countries in Southeast Asia. This project will initiate and develop veterinary entomology in Cambodia. The main partners are the Royal University of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture. This project was proposed to a regional Southeast Asia FSPI, based in Thailand.

We propose to create and develop a complete and updated key for tick species identification for Southeast Asia that will be freely distributed to all public and private actors. In the medium term, the identification key created in the present project will be used to perform an inventory of tick species present in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), diversity and distribution to share knowledge with local veterinary and public health services and universities, to build capacities to monitor TBD in humans and livestock at the national level. It will also allow the development of several planned research projects on TBD in Southeast Asia in a One Health approach.

In parallel to the creation of the tick identification key and its dissemination throughout Southeast Asia, we will also initiate the implementation of MALDI-TOF databases using ticks collected in the field in Cambodia and Lao PDR (with the involvement of veterinary and farm actors). One database created from one leg of each collected tick specimen will be developed for tick species identification. In future One Health projects, the MALDI-TOF method will be further used for pathogen discovery.

Funding: Embassy of France in Thailand, French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Project period: 2022-2023



Establishment of Veterinary Entomology in Cambodia (VECAM)

As for the medical entomology that was absent within the research landscape in Cambodia, our unit wants to develop veterinary entomology. Based on a joint request of the Ministry of Agriculture (General Directorate of Animal Health and Production) and the Royal University of Agriculture, we will try to propose a developmental and research project during this year, based on babesiosis and trypanosomiasis as requested by the two national partners. It could be the first step on further studies on ticks responsible for animal and human pathogens’ transmission. The main partners are the Royal University of Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture. This project was submitted at MEAE with the French Embassy in Cambodia.

Funding: Embassy of France in Cambodia, French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Project period: 2022-2023



Southeast Asia Tick Determination Key (SEA TICKEY)

This project aims to develop a determination key for tick species for all the countries in Southeast Asia. This project will initiate and develop veterinary entomology in Cambodia. The main partners are the Royal University of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture. This project was proposed to a regional Southeast Asia FSPI, based in Thailand.

We propose to create and develop a complete and updated key for tick species identification for Southeast Asia that will be freely distributed to all public and private actors. In the medium term, the identification key created in the present project will be used to perform an inventory of tick species present in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), diversity and distribution to share knowledge with local veterinary and public health services and universities, to build capacities to monitor TBD in humans and livestock at the national level. It will also allow the development of several planned research projects on TBD in Southeast Asia in a One Health approach.

In parallel to the creation of the tick identification key and its dissemination throughout Southeast Asia, we will also initiate the implementation of MALDI-TOF databases using ticks collected in the field in Cambodia and Lao PDR (with the involvement of veterinary and farm actors). One database created from one leg of each collected tick specimen will be developed for tick species identification. In future One Health projects, the MALDI-TOF method will be further used for pathogen discovery.

Funding: Embassy of France in Thailand, French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Project period: 2022-2023



Ecomore 2 Project: Economic Development, Ecosystem Modifications, and Emerging Infectious Diseases Risk Evaluation

The Ecomore 2 Project is funded by the AFD (Agence Française de Développement). The objective of the project is to determine if a successful integrated vector management system in localized areas could decrease the incidence of dengue virus in communities in rural and peri-urban areas. The project will officially finish in December 2022. In 2021, there was a technical audit and a steering committee review.

Funding: French Development Agengy (AFD)

Project period: 2016-2022


DARPA-PREEMPT Project: Preventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats

The PREEMPT project aims to determine the mosquito species and virus families present in biodiversity conservation areas. The objectives will be to sample different areas, such as wildlife parks, conservation areas, and natural parks in order to determine the presence of potential viruses. This work is coordinated with the Ministry of Environment and the World Conservation Society-Cambodia.

In 2021, the last two project field missions took place during the dry season. The two sites listed below were sampled in 2021:

  • Prek Toal Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Battambang Province is recognized as an important migration spot for migratory birds in Southeast Asia;
  • Virachey National Park located in Ratanakiri Province, described as a primary forest hosting several primates (macaques, gibbons) and large mammals species (bears, elephant, muntjac deer).

One article was published on the mosquito biodiversity in Prek Toal (Maquart et al. 2021) and one studying the mosquitoes in mangrove areas in Koh Kong Province is under review. Another article on the factors explaining the distribution of different species in four  different forests in Cambodia is in progress.

Finally, the mosquitoes collected in Cambodia (and in other countries) were sent to Institut Pasteur in Paris to determine the presence of viruses in the different species. New viruses were found in these mosquitoes and collaborators are currently analyzing and describing them. A first article was written and is currently under review on the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) use on mosquitoes.

In addition, one specific new virus was discovered in four different mosquito species, and six different viruses were found in one mosquito species. This particular mosquito species represents about 60% of all mosquitoes collected in Cambodia, highlighting the importance of this discovery.

Funding: DARPA

Project period: 2017-2021


FSPI (Fonds de Solidarité pour les Projets Innovants) Project: Surveillance and Prevention of Emerging Viruses in Cambodia and the Region

The objective of this project was to understand how the changing relationships between villages, forests and deforestation activities are affecting the diversity of mosquitoes and viruses and to develop a new method of diagnosis and an associated adapted surveillance program. We wanted to understand these issues through the mosquito vector, because of the in-depth knowledge we had of it, and to the ongoing major epidemics caused by mosquitoes.

In addition, in Cambodia, there are neither university courses related to medical entomology, nor applied practical virology work available. To address critical public health needs in the country, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge intended through this project, to train entomologists in the field by providing training in medical entomology, and to train virologists for the national reference center for surveillance of arboviruses in Cambodia.

After twenty missions were completed in 2020 that covered five different areas in as many different provinces (Pailin, Preah Vihear, Kampong Saom, Battambang, Kampong Thom), four last missions were done in 2021 (Kampong Thom, Battambang and Pursat in February in February and Preah Vihear in March).

The final technical and financial reports were sent to MEAE in March 2021. Within the lifespan of the project, two videos were produced: one video described the objectives of the project, the second one described  our technical unit. The  videos are both available on the Youtube channel of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.

The four articles below are in progress and more may follow:

  • Factors influencing the distribution of mosquito species along an ecological gradient from forest to the city;
  • Description of new viruses and evolutionary relationship with mosquito species;
  • Distribution of virus within mosquito species within an ecological gradient from forest to the city;
  • Potential arboviruses cultivated on both mosquitos and human cells.

A part of these analyses are in progress. Some of them are being done by our collaborators at Institut Pasteur in Paris, and some parts by a potential PhD student in our unit.

Funding: FSPI

Project period: 2019-2021


Mosquito Species and Dynamics in Phnom Penh: Surveillance and Prevention of Emerging Viruses in Cambodia and the Region

The diversity, distribution and seasonality of mosquito species in Phnom Penh is not yet fully known. A study on the dynamics of dengue vectors in Phnom Penh was undertaken in 2019 and 2020. The relative abundance of the different species is being analyzed against different meteorological parameters, and the different types of urban environments surrounding pagodas. The sampling was done around pagodas since in the rapidly urbanizing Cambodian capital, pagodas will be left undeveloped and unchanged in the near future, allowing replication of this study over several decades and providing important time-series data. The objective will be to evaluate the dynamics, and the risk associated with the potential presence of mosquito vector species.

The field missions began in 2019. The sampling was done in forty different sampling points in Phnom Penh Pagodas between March 2019 and March 2020.  During this period, 9,054 adult mosquitoes were collected, including 5,080 Ae. aegypti and 2,771 Ae. albopictus. These two dengue vector mosquito species represent 87% of all the mosquitoes sampled during the year. Their distribution in Phnom Penh shows that in high human density areas Ae. aegypti is more common, whereas in more treed areas Ae. albopictus is more likely to be the species found.

Based on this internal IPC project, a collaborative project based on our design and sampling was designed with Michael C. Fontaine from MIVEGEC (IRD). This project aimed to explain and date the arrival of Ae. albopictus.

This project (MUSE INVALBO) was financed in 2021.The characterization of Ae. albopictus invasivity in Phnom Penh will be completed in 2021. The project objective is to determine the invasion methods of Ae. albopictus. We will characterize the genomic diversity, genetic structuring of populations, dispersal and flow of genes along the anthropization gradients and the genetic inference from recent demographic history and its evolution to determine the manners of invasion of the urban environment of Phnom Penh and Europe. Based on the samples obtained via FSPI projects (in forest) and in Phnom Penh, Ae. albopictus will be analyzed by Dr. Michael Fontaine, IRD, Montpellier.

Several articles were written with this data. One article was published in 2021 on the presence of Ae. albopictus-that had not previously been detected-in Phnom Penh. Two other articles were submitted on (1) the predicted distribution of these arbovirus vector species in Southeast Asia, based in part from these data, and (2) on the invasive methods of mosquitoes. These two articles were written in collaboration with IRD (Bonin et al.) and Belgium (Da Re). Another article is in development on the factors explaining the distribution of dengue vector species in Phnom Penh. Data analysis of the INVALBO project is planned this year by the team headed by Michael C. Fontaine.

This work is accomplished in collaboration with the Ministry of Cults and Religion, and the Ministry of Tourism.

Funding: IPC

Project period: 2019-2022


Mosquito species and dynamics in Phnom Penh

The diversity, distribution and seasonality of mosquito species in Phnom Penh is unknown. The Medical Entomology team proposed to carry out a weekly follow-up during one year to fill this knowledge gap. We planned to study the dynamics of Dengue vectors in Phnom Penh. The relative abundance of the different species will be analyzed according to different meteorological parameters, and the different types of urban environment surrounding pagodas.

The field missions in 40 sample points in Phnom Penh began in 2019. The sampling is realized twice a week in Phnom Penh. The objective will be to evaluate the dynamics, and the risk associated with the potential presence of mosquito vector species.

This work is realized in collaboration with the Ministry of Cults and Religion.

Funding: Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Project period: 2019-2020


Project ComAcross

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) remains the leading cause of acute encephalitis in East and South Asia. Culex tritaeniorhynchus is the main vector of Japanese encephalitis in rural settings, followed by Culex vishnui and Culex gelidus, while anthropophilic species, such as Culex quiquefasciatus, appear to be more involved in transmission in urban and peri-urban settings. Pigs are the main amplifying hosts and Ardeidae birds (like egret, heron etc..) are the main wild reservoir. However, a recent experimental study has shown that young chicks and ducklings can develop high viremia, enough to allow transmission of the virus to mosquitoes. Although Japanese encephalitis is still considered a rural disease, several studies in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam have detected Japanese encephalitis and its vectors in peri-urban areas. Much remains to be learned about the complex epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis. Mosquito eating habits are a key parameter that can help us improve our understanding of this epidemiology. The objective of this work was to analyze the feeding behavior of the main vectors of Japanese encephalitis in rural and peri-urban areas, in Cambodia, using two methodologies: baited traps and PCR analysis of blood samples intended for the mosquito feeding. The two main results were the analysis of the dietary habits of the main species vector of Japanese encephalitis virus in rural and peri-urban areas of Cambodia and the verification of the hypotheses made on the respective epidemiological role of these mosquito species in the transmission of Japanese encephalitis and the role played by domestic birds in the epidemiological cycle of Japanese encephalitis in Cambodia.

Funding: INNOVATE program, European Union

Project period: 2014-2018


Project Panic

The Ecomore 2 project is funded by AFD (French Development Agency), while the Panic project is funded by ANR. The objective of the project, in a development context, is to determine whether integrated vector management in localized areas (here schools) could reduce the incidence of dengue fever on populations in rural and peri-urban areas. In the participating schools, we will destroy larval development sites with the help of the students and their teachers, we will organize scientific activities and use a bacterial insecticide (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), as well as an insecticide which will be distributed by mosquitoes themselves (Pyriproxyfen). The main indicator will be the number of cases of dengue fever in villages located around schools.

We will thus be able to define whether the methods used in focused vector control are effective and will also be able to decode the main anthropogenic and / or ecological mechanisms responsible for the emergence of infectious diseases. The purpose of the project is to propose an intervention strategy that the Ministry of Health can apply.

Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR-Agence Nationale de la Recherche)

Project period: 2014-2018


The LACANET One Health surveillance and laboratory network project

The LACANET partners initiated a program to strengthen the One-Health capacities in the Kingdom of Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

To achieve these goals, four integrated project activities were designed to:

  • improve field capacity to conduct disease surveillance;
  • improve laboratory capacity to detect priority pathogens;
  • improve communication and collaboration between One-Health sectors and the two countries;
  • and conduct innovative research projects to investigate drivers of zoonotic disease emergence.

The LACANET One-Health Project made significant progress in improving disease surveillance and reporting in Cambodia and Lao PDR. Improved collaborative linkages between the two target countries, and between the human, veterinary and wildlife health sectors, has strengthened the capacities of each country to conduct disease surveillance and outbreak investigation activities.

The project has also contributed to the inclusion of the environmental/wildlife sector into the national One-Health strategies, which has allowed significant progress in the establishment of wildlife disease surveillance networks in Cambodia and Laos. Innovative research projects to investigate the role of land-use change and wildlife trade in zoonotic disease emergence have revealed important information about priority pathogens, vector distributions and the risks to humans, livestock and wildlife.

The LACANET Project has led to a sustainable improvement in OneHealth capacities in Cambodia and Laos that will lead to further cross-sectoral, bilateral activities.

Funding: INNOVATE program, European Union

Project period: 2014-2018



VECTOLAND is an ASEAN-EU Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation. The project was founded by the SEA-EU-NET, an international science cooperation network to deepen science and technology cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia. Its second meeting was organized by the Medical Entomology Platform at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The main concerns of the presentations and the workshop was the rapid spreading of some invasive species (i.e. Ae. albopictus and Zika Virus), the difficulty of the struggle against malaria in South East India (i.e. insecticide and drug resistance; management of resistance), the communication with authorities and local population.

This meeting was organized in November 2016 with 24 international scientific presentations, regrouping 16 different partners from 7 countries.

Funding: ASEAN-EU Cooperation in Science, Technology & Innovation

Project period: 2016


Project Zikalliance

ZIKAlliance is a 3-year project funded by the Horizon 2020 program, for research and innovation of the European Union. This international consortium brings together 53 partners and aims to create a global alliance of Zika virus control and prevention. The project has three main objectives:

  • To determine the impact of Zika virus infections during pregnancy and short- and medium-term effects on newborns,
  • To trace the natural history of Zika virus infections in the Man and his environment, in the context of the circulation of other arboviruses, and
  • To create a general research capacity in terms of preparation for future epidemic threats.

In this context, our objective is both to:

  • Train scientists, at the local level, who are able to respond to such a problem and
  • To study the diversity of potential vectors of ZIKV in wild areas (i.e. i.e. in the natural forest). The idea is to check if the ZIKV cycle exists in natural and preserved areas, and to understand how an exchange could occur between natural and anthropized areas.

Funding: European Union

Project period: 2016


Resistance to insecticides

The resistance to temephos (a larvicide), permethrin and deltamethrin (adulticide) used in Cambodia were tested on the main dengue vector species. We demonstrated that Aedes aegypti species (four populations) were resistant to the three insecticides currently used in this country. The results were shared with the Ministry of Health (National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control). These results were also presented at six national and four international conferences.

Bioassays that were commenced at the end of 2020 were completed in 2021. In total, 17 insecticides (larvicides and adulticides) were tested with Ae. aegypti from Phnom Penh. Results were published in 2021.


Identification of mosquitoes

A particularly intensive work was undertaken in 2021 by the Malaria Molecular Epidemiology Unit to identify 20,237 mosquitoes. It collected mosquitoes for three days every month in 15 different sites in Mondulkiri Province. Our unit identified all the mosquitoes, and also found some species never before described yet in Cambodia. All these data will be analyzed in 2022 by a year 2 Master’s  student from the Royal University of Phnom Penh.

Based on all previous and current projects and the description of mosquito specimens, an intensive review was initiated in 2020 and concluded in 2021 with the publication of the checklist of mosquito species in Cambodia. This reference document for Cambodia was sent to all our national partners.

Since 2020, we have made efforts to develop a method for MALDI-TOF MS. The current methods for mosquito identification include both morphological and molecular methods. Identification by morphology is skill-dependent and is time-consuming while the identification by PCR is expensive. The MALDI-TOF MS technology, now routinely used for bacterial identification, has recently emerged in the field of entomology. The aim of this study will be to use MALDI-TOF MS to identify mosquitoes from Cambodia and to create a useful tool for the Ministry of Health and also for our current partners in Southeast Asia.

In 2021, with the recruitment of Dr. Rakotonirina, we continue to improve the database of mosquito reference spectra with MALDI-TOF. In parallel, based on the samples from the different field missions, and in order to further develop the medical and veterinary entomology unit including new methods for determining mosquito species, the molecular entomology was also strengthened under the supervision of Dr. Rakotonirina.

Finally, the phylogeographical and phylogenetic study of Culex vishnui mosquito species complex in Cambodia was assessed. This work is currently under review.

Funding: National Institute of Health

Unit Organigram

Our News

Unit Facilities

The Medical and Veterinary Entomology Unit was created in October 2018 to address the lack of competence in terms of entomological research and training in Cambodia.

Its main research activities are mosquito resistance to insecticides, adaptation of mosquitoes to environmental changes, exchange and maintenance of viruses (reservoirs) between natural and inhabited environments, pathogen discovery and arboviruses vector competence.

The team counts experienced technicians in the fieldwork involved in mosquito collection, their identification and processing.

Additionally, the rearing of Aedes mosquitoes under laboratory conditions and the artificial infection via blood meals was set-up to investigate the vector competence of several mosquito population to certain viruses (Zika, dengue and chikungunya viruses).

The insectarium (30 m²) in the Entomology Unit is available for mosquito rearing, mosquito feeding, and preparation for BSL2 and BSL3 level experimentation. The insectarium is divided into two rooms: one for adult mosquitoes and one for larvae rearing. In the larvae rearing room, space is available for more than 50 trays concurrently. The adult rearing room had 2 main species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, with field strains and one reference sensitive strain USDA aegypti.

The Medical and Veterinary Entomology Unit also possess a laboratory to identify mosquitoes and do insecticide bioassays (60m²) and a room (6m²) dedicated to the only mosquito collection in the country.

The entomology Unit possess three -20 °C and –one 80°C freezers.

Recent Publications

A genotyping array for the globally invasive vector mosquito, Aedes albopictus

Luciano Veiga Cosme, Margaret Corley, Thomas Johnson, Dave W. Severson, Guiyun Yan, Xiaoming Wang, Nigel Beebe, Andrew Maynard, Mariangela Bonizzoni, Ayda Khorramnejad, Ademir Jesus Martins, José Bento Pereira Lima, Leonard E. Munstermann, Sinnathamby N. Surendran, Chun-Hong Chen, Kevin Maringer, Isra Wahid, Shomen Mukherjee, Jiannon Xu, Michael C. Fontaine, Elizabet L. Estallo, Marina Stein, Todd Livdahl, Patricia Y. Scaraffia, Brendan H. Carter, Motoyoshi Mogi, Nobuko Tuno, James W. Mains, Kim A. Medley, David E. Bowles, Richard J. Gill, Roger Eritja, Ranulfo González-Obando, Huynh T. T. Trang, Sébastien Boyer, Ann-Marie Abunyewa, Kayleigh Hackett, Tina Wu, Justin Nguyễn, Jiangnan Shen, Hongyu Zhao, Jacob E. Crawford, Peter Armbruster & Adalgisa Caccone

Parasites & Vectors volume 17, Article number: 106 (2024) Published: 04 March 2024 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-024-06158-z

Aedes unalom sp. nov. in Cambodia, a new Stegomyia species close to Aedes albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae)

Mallorie Hide, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Sony Yean, Kimhuor Suor, Kimly Heng, Saoya Sen, Chanmuneneath Yim, Sokkeang Leng, Antsa Rakotonirina, Didier Fontenille, Sebastien Boyer

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Volume 27, Issue 2, June 2024, 102233 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2024.102233

Challenges for ticks and tick-borne diseases research in Southeast Asia: Insight from the first international symposium in Cambodia

Sony Yean, Didot Budi Prasetyo, Sebastien Marcombe, Upik Kesumawati Hadi,

Abdul Rahman Kazim, Sonthaya Tiawsirisup, Vu Duc Chinh, Keita Matsuno, Van

Lun Low, Sarah Bonnet, Nathalie Boulanger, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Mohammad

Yazid Abdad, Vincent Herbreteau, Jean-Marc Chavatte, Samuth Sum,

Theary Ren, Anavaj Sakuntabhai, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Antsa Rakotonirina,

Sebastien Boyer.

In-vitro assessment of cutaneous immune responses to aedes mosquito salivary gland extract and dengue virus in Cambodian individuals

David Guerrero, Sokchea Lay, Eakpor Piv, Chansophea Chhin, Sokkeang Leng, Ratana Meng, Kim Eng Mam, Polidy Pean, Amelie Vantaux, Sebastien Boyer, Dorothée Missé, Tineke Cantaert

Oxford Open Immunology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024, iqae003. Advance Access Publication Date: 1 April 2024 https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfimm/iqae003

Metabolic Resistance and Not Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Gene Mutation Is Associated with Pyrethroid Resistance of Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) from Cambodia.

Marcombe S, Doeurk B, Thammavong P, Veseli T, Heafield C, Mills MA, Kako S, Prado MF, Thomson S, Millett S, Hill T, Kentsley I, Davies S, Pathiraja G, Daniels B, Browne L, Nyamukanga M, Harvey J, Rubinstein L, Townsend C, Allen Z, Davey-Spence C, Hupi A, Jones AK, Boyer S.

2024 May 15; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects15050358 PMID: 38786914

Mitochondrial and microbial diversity of the invasive mosquito vector species Culex tritaeniorhynchus across its extensive inter-continental geographic range

Claire L. Jeffries, Luciano M Tantely, Perparim Kadriaj, Marcus S C Blagrove, Loanna Lytra, James Orsborne, Hasan Mohammad Al-Amin, Abdul Rahim Mohammed, Mohammad Shafiul Alam, Romain Girod, Yaw A Afrane, Silvia Bino, Vincent Robert, Sebastien Boyer, Matthew Baylis, Enkelejda Velo, Grant L Hughes, Thomas Walker

Wellcome Open Research 2024, 9:18 Last updated: 01 APR 2024 https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20761.1

Speciation patterns of Aedes mosquitoes in the Scutellaris Group: a mitochondrial perspective

Antsa Rakotonirina, Catherine Dauga, Morgane Pol, Mallorie Hide, Linavin Vuth, Valentine Ballan, Sosiasi Kilama, Sylvie Russet, Sébastien Marcombe, Sébastien Boyer & Nicolas Pocquet

Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 10930 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-61573-7

Previous Publications

Description of a new species of Toxorhynchites (Diptera: Culicidae) from Nepenthes pitchers in Cambodia

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Nil Rahola, Kalyan ChhuoyKimly HengMoeun ChhumKimhuor Suor

Sébastien Boyer 

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 26 (2023) 102064 DOI : 10.1016/j.aspen.2023.102064


Longitudinal Study of Viral Diversity Associated with Mosquito Species Circulating in Cambodia

Souand Mohamed Ali, Antsa Rakotonirina, Kimly Heng, Elise Jacquemet, Stevenn Volant, Sarah Temmam, Sebastien Boyer and Marc Eloit

Viruses 2023, 15, 1831. https://doi.org/10.3390/v15091831


Mosquito diversity (Diptera: Culicidae) and medical importance in four Cambodian forests

Antsa Rakotonirina, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Claude Flamand, Chea Sokha & Sébastien Boyer 

Parasites & Vectors  2023-03-21 DOI : 10.1186/s13071-023-05729-w


Phylogeny and spatial distribution of Japanese encephalitis virus vector species in Cambodia

Dusadeepong R, Maquart PO, Hide M, Boyer S.

Med Vet Entomol. 2023 Jul 5. doi: 10.1111/mve.12678. Online ahead of print.


pWCP is a widely distributed and highly conserved Wolbachia plasmid in Culex pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes worldwide

Amani Ghousein, Jordan Tutagata, Hans Schrieke, Manuel Etienne, Victor Chaumeau, Sebastien Boyer, Nonito Pages, David Roiz, A Murat Eren, Guillaume Cambray, Julie Reveillaud

ISME Commun. 2023 Apr 28;3(1):40. doi: 10.1038/s43705-023-00248-2


Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences from 33 globally distributed mosquito species for improved metagenomics and species identification

Cassandra Koh, Lionel Frangeul, Hervé Blanc, Carine Ngoagouni, Sébastien BoyerPhilippe Dussart, Nina Grau, Romain Girod, Jean-Bernard Duchemin, Maria-Carla Saleh

Elife. 2023 Jan 23;12:e82762. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82762.


Stag beetle fauna of Cambodia (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)

Maquart PO, Yamamoto S, Sopha S, Chhorn S, Phak S, Sinovas P, Phauk S, Boyer S.

Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology 26(2023) 102008 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2022.102008

Culex vishnui Theobald, 1901 (Diptera: Culicidae): an Overlooked Vector in South-East Asia

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Leakena Chann, Sébastien Boyer

J Med Entomol. 2022 Jul;59(4):1144-1153. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjac044. PMID: 35522221


Culex vishnui

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Sébastien Boyer

Trends Parasit. 2022 Jun;38(6):491-492. DOI: 10.1016/j.pt.2022.01.003. PMID: 35153157


DynamAedes: a unified modelling framework for invasive Aedes mosquitoes.

Daniele Da Re, Wim Van Bortel, Friederike Reuss, Ruth Müller,  Sébastien Boyer, Fabrizio Montarsi, Silvia Ciocchetta, Daniele Arnoldi, Giovanni Marini, Annapaola Rizzoli,  Gregory L’Ambert, Guillaume Lacour, Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt,  Sophie O. Vanwambeke & Matteo Marcantonio

Parasit. Vectors; 2022 Nov;15(1):414. doi: 10.1186/s13071-022-05414-4. PMID: 36348368


Genomic shifts, phenotypic clines and fitness costs associated with cold tolerance in the Asian tiger mosquito. 

Stéphanie Sherpa, Jordan Tutagata, Thierry Gaude, Frédéric Laporte, Shinji Kasai, Intan H. Ishak, Xiang Guo, Jiyeong Shin, Sébastien Boyer, Sébastien Marcombe, Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap, Jean-Philippe David, Xiao-Guang Chen, Xiaohong Zhou, Laurence Després.

Mol Biol Evol. 2022 May 3;39(5):msac104. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msac104. PMID: 35574643


High Rickettsial diversity in rodents and their ectoparasites from the central highlands of Madagascar

Fanohinjanaharinirina Rasoamalala, Mamionah N J Parany, Soloandry Rahajandraibe, Malala N Rakotomanga, Tojo Ramihangihajason, Voahangy Soarimalala, Sébastien Boyer, Minoarisoa Rajerison, Beza Ramasindrazana 

J Med Entomol. 2022 Mar 16;59(2):667-674. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab207. PMID: 34958102


MALDI-TOF MS: an effective tool for a global surveillance of dengue vector species.

Antsa Rakotonirina, Morgane Pol, Fara Nantenaina Raharimalala, Valentine Ballan, Malia Kainiu, Sébastien Boyer, Sosiasi Kilama, Sébastien Marcombe, Sylvie Russet, Emilie Barsac, Rama Vineshwaran, Malia Kaleméli Selemago, Vincent Jessop, Geneviève Robic, Romain Girod, Paul T. Brey, Julien Colot, Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Vincent Richard, Nicolas Pocquet

PLOS One, 2022 Oct;17(10):e0276488. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276488 PMID: 36264911


Monitoring insecticide resistance of adults and larvae Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Sébastien Boyer, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Kalyan Chhuoy, Kimhuor Suor, Moeun Chhum, Kimly Heng, Sokkeang Leng, Didier Fontenille, Sébastien Marcombe

Parasit Vectors. 2022 Jan 31;15(1):44. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-022-05156-3. PMID: 35101104


Mosquito diversity (Diptera: Culicidae) and medical importance in Koh Kong mangrove forests (Cambodia).

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Chea Sokha, Sébastien Boyer

Asian Biomed (Res Rev News) 2022;16(3):121–129. DOI: 10.2478/abm-2022-0015


Plastic pollution and infectious diseases.

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Yves Froehlich, Sébastien Boyer

The Lancet Planetary Health, 2022;6(10):e842-e845. DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00198-X


Predicting the continental-scale effects of climate change on arbovirus vectors density in Southeast Asia through process-based modelling.

Lucas Bonnin, Annelise Tran, Vincent Herbreteau, Sébastien Marcombe, Sébastien Boyer, Morgan Mangeas, Christophe Menkes

Environ. Health Perspect. 2022 Dec; 130(12):127002. DOI: 10.1289/EHP11068. PMID: 36473499


Small scale field assessment against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti using the auto-dissemination approach in an urban area of Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Phoutmany Thammavong, Sebastien Boyer, Phonesavanh Luangamath, Nothasine Phommavanh, Vaekey Vungkyly, Somphat Nilaxay, Khaithong Lakeomany, Paul Brey, Marc Grandadam, Sebastien Marcombe

PLOS One. 2022 Jul 1;17(7):e0270987. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270987. PMID: 35776762


Variations in carapace shape of Whip Spiders (Arachnida: Amblypygi) 

Florian Réveillion, Sophie Montuire, Pierre‐Olivier Maquart, Charlotte Fétiveau, Loïc Bollache.

Journal of Morphology, 2022 283(8):1-12. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21485.


Xenopsylla cheopis (Rat Flea)

Sébastien Boyer, Thomas R. Gillespie, Adélaïde Miarinjara

Trends Parasitol. 2022 Jul;38(7):607-608. DOI: 10.1016/j.pt.2022.03.006. PMID: 35527197


Zika vector competence data reveals risks of outbreaks: the contribution of the European ZIKAlliance project. 

Thomas Obadia, Gladys Gutierrez-Bugallo, Veasna Duong, Ana I. Nuñez, Rosilainy S. Fernandes, Basile Kamgang, Liza Hery, Yann Gomard, Sandra R. Abbo, Davy Jiolle, Uros Glavinic, Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Célestine M. Atyame, Nicolas Pocquet, Sébastien Boyer, Catherine Dauga, Marie Vazeille, André Yébakima, Michael T. White, Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt, Patrick Mavingui, Anubis Vega-Rua, Eva Veronesi, Gorben P. Pijlman, Christophe Paupy, Núria Busquets, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Oliveira, Xavier De Lamballerie, Anna-Bella Failloux.

Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 2;13(1):4490. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32234-y. PMID: 35918360

A review of Capezoum Adlbauer, 2003 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with the description of two new species from the Succulent Karoo ecosystem in South-Africa
Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Francesco Vitali, Riana Bate.

Zootaxa. 2021;4915(4):559 66. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4915.4.6


Checklist of the mosquito fauna (Diptera, Culicidae) of Cambodia

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Didier Fontenille, Nil Rahola, Sony Yean, Sébastien Boyer.

Parasite. EDP Sciences; 2021;28:60. DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2021056


High Rickettsial Diversity in Rodents and Their Ectoparasites From the Central Highlands of Madagascar

Fanohinjanaharinirina Rasoamalala, Mamionah N. J. Parany, Soloandry Rahajandraibe, Malala N. Rakotomanga, Tojo Ramihangihajason, Voahangy Soarimalala, Sébastien Boyer, Minoarisoa Rajerison, Beza Ramasindrazana.

J Med Entomol. 2021;tjab207. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab207


Host-Feeding Preference and Diel Activity of Mosquito Vectors of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Rural Cambodia

Sébastien Boyer, Benoit Durand, Sony Yean, Cécile Brengues, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Didier Fontenille, Véronique Chevalier.

Pathogens. 2021;10(3):376. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10030376


Mosquito diversity (Diptera: Culicidae) and medical importance, in a bird sanctuary inside the flooded forest of Prek Toal, Cambodia

Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Chea Sokha, Sébastien Boyer.

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 2021;24(4):1221 7. DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2021.08.001


Mosquito Vector Competence for Japanese Encephalitis Virus

Heidi Auerswald, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Véronique Chevalier, Sebastien Boyer.

Viruses. 2021;13(6):1154. DOI: 10.3390/v13061154


Potential role of vector-mediated natural selection in dengue virus genotype/lineage replacements in two epidemiologically contrasted settings

Olivia O’Connor, Tey Putita Ou, Fabien Aubry, Stéphanie Dabo, Sylvie Russet, Dominique Girault, Saraden In, Marine Minier, Sebastian Lequime, Thavry Hoem, Sébastien Boyer, Philippe Dussart, Nicolas Pocquet, Valérie Burtet-Sarramegna, Louis Lambrechts**, Veasna Duong**, Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol**

Emerging Microbes & Infections. Taylor & Francis; 2021;10(1):1346 57. DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2021.1944789


Recent and massive invasion of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

P. O. Maquart, D. Fontenille, S. Boyer.

Parasites & Vectors. 2021;14(1):113. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-021-04633-5


Replication Variance of African and Asian Lineage Zika Virus Strains in Different Cell Lines, Mosquitoes and Mice

Tey Putita Ou*, Heidi Auerswald*, Saraden In, Borin Peng, Senglong Pang, Sébastien Boyer, Rithy Choeung, Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Philippe Dussart**, Veasna Duong**

Microorganisms. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute; 2021;9(6):1250. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9061250


The Ecology and Evolution of Japanese Encephalitis Virus
Peter Mulvey, Veasna Duong, Sebastien Boyer, Graham Burgess, David T. Williams, Philippe Dussart, Paul F. Horwood.
Pathogens. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute; 2021;10(12):1534. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10121534




Publications in a journal without impact factor in 2021


Description of a new species of Conobrium (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Obriini) from São Tomé and Principe
Alain Coache, Francesco Vitali, Maquart Pierre-Olivier.
Faunitaxys 2021;9:1 3.


Expansion of the range of Eupatorus siamensis (Castelnau, 1867) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) in Cambodia

Pierre-Olivier MAQUART, SIN Sopha, DOEURK Bros, CHHORN Soksan, Sébastien BOYER, PHAUK Sophany

Cambodian Journal of Natural History. 2021;76.


Report of carnivorous plants (Droseraceae, Lentibulariaceae and Nepenthaceae) from seasonally dry savannahs in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia

Pierre-Olivier MAQUART, François Sockhom MEY, CHHUOY Kalyan, HENG Kimly, CHHUM Moeun, SUOR Kimhuor, Sébastien BOYER

Cambodian Journal of Natural History.


The Clytini fauna of Benin and Togo, with the description of a new species from Benin (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Pierre-Olivier Maquart, Alain Coache, Francesco Vitali’, Laurent Péru; Bernard’Rainon, Denis Richard, Pierre, Juhel
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. DOI: 10.32475/bsef_2210

A genomic amplification affecting a carboxylesterase gene cluster confers organophosphate resistance in the mosquito Aedes aegypti: From genomic characterization to high-throughput field detection

Julien Cattel, Chloé Haberkorn, Fréderic Laporte, Thierry Gaude, Tristan Cumer, Julien Renaud, Ian W. Sutherland, Jeffrey C. Hertz, Jean‐Marc Bonneville, Victor Arnaud, Bénédicte Fustec, Sébastien Boyer, Sébastien Marcombe, Jean‐Philippe David.

Evol Appl. 2021;14(4):1009‑22. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13177


Ability of the Premise Condition Index to Identify Premises with Adult and Immature Aedes Mosquitoes in Kampong Cham, Cambodia.

John Hustedt, Dyna Doum, Vanney Keo, Sokha Ly, BunLeng Sam, Vibol Chan, Sebastien Boyer, Marco Liverani, Neal Alexander, John Bradley, Didot Budi Prasetyo, Agus Rachmat, Sergio Lopes, Rithea Leang, Jeffrey Hii.

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2020;102(6):1432‑9. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0453


Current vector research challenges in the greater Mekong subregion for dengue, Malaria, and Other Vector-Borne Diseases: A report from a multisectoral workshop March 2019

Christofferson Rebecca C.,  Parker Daniel M.,  Overgaard Hans J.,  Hii Jeffrey,  Devine Gregor,  Wilcox Bruce A.,  Nam Vu Sinh,  Abubakar Sazaly,  Boyer Sebastien,  Boonnak Kobporn,  Whitehead Stephen S.,  Huy Rekol,  Rithea Leang,  Sochantha Tho,  Wellems Thomas E.,  Valenzuela Jesus G.,  Manning Jessica E.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020;14(7):e0008302. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008302


Discrimination of Uranotaenia species (Diptera: Culicidae) from Madagascar based on morphology and wing morphometric traits

Tantely MichaËl Luciano, Randrianambinintsoa Fano Jose, Rakotonirina Antsa, Woog Friederike, Boyer Sebastien, Girod Romain.

Zootaxa. 2020;4801(1):171‑8. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4801.1.9


Dynamics and diversity of mosquito vectors of Japanese encephalitis virus in Kandal province, Cambodia

Boyer Sebastien, Peng Borin, Pang Senglong, Chevalier Véronique, Duong Veasna, Gorman Christopher, Dussart Philippe, Fontenille Didier, Cappelle Julien.

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 2020;23(4):1048‑54. DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2020.08.018


GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 5: Entomological aspects

Pezzi L., Diallo M., Rosa-Freitas M. G., Vega-Rua A., Ng L. F. P., Boyer S., Drexler J. F., Vasilakis N., Lourenco-de-Oliveira R., Weaver S. C., Kohl A., de Lamballerie X., Failloux A.-B., GloPID-R chikungunya o’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus Working Group.

Antiviral Research. 2020;174:104670. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104670


High diversity of mosquito vectors in Cambodian primary schools and consequences for arbovirus transmission

Boyer Sebastien, Marcombe Sebastien, Yean Sony, Fontenille Didier.

PLoS ONE. 2020;15(6):e0233669. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233669


Novel genome sequences of cell-fusing agent virus allow comparison of virus phylogeny with the genetic structure of Aedes aegypti populations

Baidaliuk Artem, Lequime Sébastian, Moltini-Conclois Isabelle, Dabo Stéphanie, Dickson Laura B, Prot Matthieu, Duong Veasna, Dussart Philippe, Boyer Sébastien, Shi Chenyan, Matthijnssens Jelle, Guglielmini Julien, Gloria-Soria Andrea, Simon-Lorière Etienne, Lambrechts Louis.

Virus Evolution. 2020;6(1):veaa018. DOI: 10.1093/ve/veaa018


Strategic Approach, Advances, and Challenges in the Development and Application of the SIT for Area-Wide Control of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Reunion Island

Gouagna Louis Clément, Damiens David, Oliva Clélia F., Boyer Sébastien, Le Goff Gilbert, Brengues Cécile, Dehecq Jean-Sébastien, Raude Jocelyn, Simard Frédéric, Fontenille Didier.

Insects. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute; 2020;11(11):770. DOI: 10.3390/insects11110770


Two new phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the forest edge in Madagascar: the anthropophilic Phlebotomus artemievi sp. nov. and Sergentomyia maroantsetra ensis sp. Nov

Randrianambinintsoa Fano José, Depaquit Jérôme, Martinet Jean-Philippe, Golden Christopher D., Boyer Sébastien, Robert Vincent, Tantely Luciano Michaël.

Parasitol Res. 2020;119(4):1177‑99. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-020-06639-x



Publications in journals without Impact Factor in 2020


First record of Cheironotus parryi Grey, 1848 (Coleoptera: Euchirinae) in Cambodia.

Maquart PO, Sin S, Chhorn S, Phak S, Boyer S, Phauk S.

Cambodian journal of Natural History, 2020 2:31-33.

A New High-Throughput Tool to Screen Mosquito-Borne Viruses in Zika Virus Endemic/Epidemic Areas

Sara Moutailler, Lena Yousfi, Laurence Mousson, Elodie Devillers, Marie Vazeille, Anubis Vega-Rúa, Yvon Perrin, Frédéric Jourdain, Fabrice Chandre, Arnaud Cannet, Sandrine Chantilly, Johana Restrepo, Amandine Guidez, Isabelle Dusfour, Filipe Vieira Santos de Abreu, Taissa Pereira dos Santos, Davy Jiolle, Tessa M. Visser, Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt, Merril Wongsokarijo, Mawlouth Diallo, Diawo Diallo, Alioune Gaye, Sébastien Boyer, Veasna Duong, Géraldine Piorkowski, Christophe Paupy, Ricardo Lourenco de Oliveira, Xavier de Lamballerie, Anna-Bella Failloux.

Viruses. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute; 2019;11(10):904. DOI: 10.3390/v11100904


Field assessment of insecticide dusting and bait station treatment impact against rodent flea and house flea species in the Madagascar plague context

Adélaïde Miarinjara, Soanandrasana Rahelinirina, Nadia Lova Razafimahatratra, Romain Girod, Minoarisoa Rajerison, Sébastien Boyer.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019;13(8):e0007604. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007604


GloPID-R report on Chikungunya, O’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part I: Biological diagnostics

Pezzi, C. B. Reusken, S. C. Weaver, J. F. Drexler, M. Busch, A. D. LaBeaud, M. S. Diamond, N. Vasilakis, M. A. Drebot, A. M. Siqueira, G. S. Ribeiro, A. Kohl, M. Lecuit, L. F. P. Ng, P. Gallian, X. de Lamballerie, S. Boyer, P. Brasil, M. Diallo, A. B. Failloux, T. Jaenisch, R. Lourenço-de-Oliveira, J. Neyts, M. Rios, A. J. Rodriguez-Morales, M. G. Rosa-Freitas, A. Sall, G. Simmons, F. Simon, A. Vega Rua.

Antiviral Research. 2019;166:66‑81. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.03.009


GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 2: Epidemiological distribution of o’nyong-nyong virus.

Pezzi, A. D. LaBeaud, C. B. Reusken, J. F. Drexler, N. Vasilakis, M. Diallo, F. Simon, T. Jaenisch, P. Gallian, A. Sall, A. B. Failloux, S. C. Weaver, X. de Lamballerie, S. Boyer, P. Brasil, M. Busch, M. S. Diamond, M. A. Drebot, A. Kohl, M. Lecuit, R. Lourenço-de-Oliveira, J. Neyts, Ng Lfp, G. S. Ribeiro, M. Rios, A. J. Rodriguez-Morales, M. G. Rosa-Freitas, G. Simmons, A. M. Siqueira, A. Vega Rua.

Antiviral Research. 2019;172:104611. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104611


GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 3: Epidemiological distribution of Mayaro virus.

L. Pezzi, A. J. Rodriguez-Morales, C. B. Reusken, G. S. Ribeiro, A. D. LaBeaud, R. Lourenço-de-Oliveira, P. Brasil, M. Lecuit, A. B. Failloux, P. Gallian, T. Jaenisch, F. Simon, A. M. Siqueira, M. G. Rosa-Freitas, A. Vega Rua, S. C. Weaver, J. F. Drexler, N. Vasilakis, de Lamballerie X, S. Boyer, M. Busch, M. Diallo, M. S. Diamond, M. A. Drebot, A. Kohl, J. Neyts, L. F. P. Ng, M. Rios, A. Sall, G. Simmons.

Antiviral Research. 2019;172:104610. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104610


GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o’nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 5: Entomological aspects.

Pezzi, M. Diallo, M. G. Rosa-Freitas, A. Vega-Rua, L. F. P. Ng, S. Boyer, J. F. Drexler, N. Vasilakis, R. Lourenco-de-Oliveira, S. C. Weaver, A. Kohl, X. de Lamballerie, A. -B. Failloux, P. Brasil, M. Busch, M. S. Diamond, M. A. Drebot, P. Gallian, T. Jaenisch, A. D. LaBeaud, M. Lecuit, J. Neyts, C. B. Reusken, G. S. Ribeiro, M. Rios, A. J. Rodriguez-Morales, A. Sall, G. Simmons, F. Simon, A. M. Siqueira.

Antiviral Research. 2020;174:104670. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104670


Horizontal and vertical distribution of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the rainforest of Maromizaha, Madagascar: implications for pathogen transmission to humans and animals

Luciano M Tantely, Fano J Randrianambinintsoa, Friederike Woog, Manou R Raharinirina, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Sébastien Boyer, Romain Girod.

Austral Entomology. 2019;58(4):897‑906. DOI: 10.1111/aen.12427



An overview of mosquito vectors of Zika virus

Sébastien Boyer, Elodie Calvez, Thais Chouin-Carneiro, Diawo Diallo, Anna-Bella Failloux.

Microbes Infect. 2018;20(11‑12):646‑60. DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2018.01.006


Beta-lactam resistance among Enterobacteriaceae in Cambodia: The four-year itch

Yannick Caron, Rattanak Chheang, Nop Puthea, Meng Soda, Sébastien Boyer, Arnaud Tarantola, Alexandra Kerléguer.

Int J Infect Dis. 2018;66:74‑9. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2017.10.025


Resistance of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations to Deltamethrin, Permethrin, and Temephos in Cambodia

Sébastien Boyer, Sergio Lopes, Didot Prasetyo, John Hustedt, Ay Sao Sarady, Dyna Doum, Sony Yean, Borin Peng, Sam Bunleng, Rithea Leang, Didier Fontenille, Jeffrey Hii.

Asia Pac J Public Health. 2018;30(2):158‑66. DOI: 10.1177/1010539517753876


Risk of maritime introduction of plague from Madagascar to Mayotte

Soanandrasana Rahelinirina, Mireille Harimalala, Thomas Margueron, Tojo Ramihangihajason, François Mansotte, Minoarisoa Rajerison, Fréderic Pagès, Sébastien Boyer.

Acta Tropica. 2018;187:140‑3. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2018.07.029


Vector competence of Culex antennatus and Anopheles coustani mosquitoes for Rift Valley fever virus in Madagascar

N. J. J. Nepomichene, F. N. Raharimalala, S. F. Andriamandimby, J.-P. Ravalohery, A.-B. Failloux, J.-M. Heraud, S. Boyer.

Med Vet Entomol. 2018;32(2):259‑62. DOI: 10.1111/mve.12291


Discrimination of Uranotaenia species (Diptera: Culicidae) from Madagascar based on morphology and wing morphometric traits

Michaël Luciano Tantely, Fano Jose Randrianambinintsoa, Antsa Rakotonirina, Friederike Woog, Sebastien Boyer, Romain Girod.

Zootaxa. 2020;4801(1):171‑8. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4801.1.9

Durability monitoring of long-lasting insecticidal (mosquito) nets (LLINs) in Madagascar: physical integrity and insecticidal activity

Sanjiarizaha Randriamaherijaona, Jacky Raharinjatovo, Sébastien Boyer.

Parasit Vectors. 2017;10(1):564. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2419-7


Efficient method for establishing F1 progeny from wild populations of Anopheles mosquitoes

Thiery N. Nepomichene, Lala Andrianaivolambo, Sébastien Boyer, Catherine Bourgouin.

Malar J. 2017;16(1):21. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-1681-7


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