IPC Governance
The operation of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge is governed by an agreement signed on August 27, 1992, and its amendment of March 15, 2013, established between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France).
According to article 12 of this agreement, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge is directed by a director and its operation is monitored by a Liaison Council.
Director and Deputy Director
The IPC Director is appointed by the Director General of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, in consultation with the MOH of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Deputy Director of IPC is named by the Director in consultation with the MOH from within the pool of Cambodian scientists serving in the national public service and who have doctorates in biological or public health.
Liaison Council
It is planned that this Liaison Council will take place once a year. The Liaison Council examines and approves the annual report presented to it by the director
Liaison Council is chaired by the Minister of Health of the Kingdom of Cambodia (President) or, in his absence, by the Secretary of State for Health (Vice-President). The Liaison Council has 10 members including the President and the Vice-President designated according to the functions they occupy and are represented in case of their unavailability.
Board members (on March 2024)
Minister of Health of the Kingdom of Cambodia: H.E. Prof. CHHEANG Ra
Secretary of State of Minister of Health, H.E. Prof. KOY Vanny
- Rector, University of Health Sciences (UHS) : H.E. Prof. SAPHONN Vonthanak
- Rector, Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) : H.E. Prof. NGO Bunthan
- Director of Institut Pasteur in Paris, or Representative : Prof. Yasmine BELKAID,
- Minister of Economy and Finances or Representative : H.E. AUN Pornmoniroth,
- Minister of Education, Youth and Sports or Representative : H.E Dr HANG Chuon Naron
- Country Representative, WHO : Dr. J. Marianna TRIAS,
- Ambassador, French Embassy in Cambodia or Representative : H.E. Mr. Jacques PELLET
- Representative of UNICEF in Cambodia : Dr. Will PARKS
Invited Members (March 2024)
The Liaison Council may invite to its meetings, in a consultative capacity, personalities whose assistance would be useful to the work of the Council.
- Director of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
- Deputy Director of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
- Chief Financial Officer, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
- International Director, Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Cooperation and Cultural Action Advisor, French Embassy in Cambodia
- Director General for Health, MoH
- Director of the Communicable Disease Control Department (MoH CDC)
- Director of Department of International Cooperation, MoH
- Director, National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), MoH
- Director, National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM), MoH
- Director, National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT), MoH
- Chairman of National Ethics Committee for Health Research (NECHR), MoH
- Deputy Director of GDAHP, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- Director General, Institute of Technology in Cambodia (ITC)
- Director General of Calmette Hospital
- Director, Kantha Bopha Foundation
- Rector, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
- Country Director, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
- Representative of Institut de Recherche pour le Développement in Cambodia(IRD)
The scientific activities at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge are reviewed by a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) constituted of 7 to 8 board members (incl. Chair and Rapporteur) and 1 observer. The SAB convenes every 2 years, with the last in December 2018.
The role of the Scientific Advisory Board is to give recommendations to IPC researchers on scientific projects, organization and ongoing/new collaborations.
For the next SAB in February 2021, the members of the board will be:
Three (3) International Scientists:
- Prof. Sharon LEWIN, Doherty Inst. – University of Melbourne – Australia – CHAIR
- Prof. Lin-Fa WANG, Duke – NUS – Singapore
- Prof. Ian SUTHERLAND, US NAMRU-2 – based in Cambodia
Three (3) Cambodian Scientists:
- Prof. SAPHONN Vonthanak, PhD, Rector UHS (Université des Sciences de la Santé).
- Prof. SORN San, GDAPH – MAFF – Cambodia
- HE Prof. TOUCH Visalsok, MoEYS – Cambodia – OBSERVER
Three (3) scientists affiliated to Institut Pasteur (IP, Paris):
- Prof. Anavaj SAKUNTABHAI, IP (France) and IP Office in Japan – RAPPORTEUR
- Prof. Sylvain BRISSE, IP (France)
- Prof Ivo MUELLER, IP (France) and WEHI (Australia)
A report is prepared by the SAB members under the coordination of the Rapporteur, and co-signed by the SAB Chair and Rapporteur.

The Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) is a proud member of the Pasteur Network
Pasteur Network is a worldwide network of 33 members, united by common Pasteurian values, which include humanitarianism, universalism, perseverance, knowledge transmission.
This unique model of cooperation in health brings together, beyond the independent public or private structures that constitute the network, a human and scientific community mobilised on both local and international health priorities in a logic of solidarity.
Pasteur Network members share the missions of biomedical research, public health, training and innovation and technology transfer. Present in 25 countries worldwide within numerous endemic areas, the Pasteur Network has demonstrated time and time again its role as a major player for the benefit of global health through the One Health approach, actively contributing to improving human health.
Charter of Pasteurian Values (2004)
The Members, Corresponding Institutions and Partners to the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN) are committed to respecting the following basic principles essential in continuing the work originally undertaken by Louis Pasteur, including:
- Acting responsibly and in a spirit of solidarity for the general good at all times, and continuing to work in the universal, generous and humanist spirit of the work originally undertaken by Louis Pasteur.
- Making active contribution to public health, always striving to sustain it through research and innovation.
- Abiding by the ethical principles inherent to research and applications thereof, in particular, integrity when carrying out scientific research and probity in relations between researchers.
- Showing rigor, devotion and efficiency in investigating, diagnosing and conducting early response to new epidemics and emerging pathologies.
- Developing freedom of initiative and critical thinking in researchers, by involving them in determining the research avenues which they intend to pursue further to their institution’s strategic objectives.
- Maintaining excellence in research by regularly assessing researchers and the relevance of research programs, and through appropriate training.
- Developing training and continuing education, particularly for the benefit of researchers from countries where Network Institutes are based, spreading knowledge, and ensuring open access to knowledge.
- Fostering access to innovation and possible use thereof, paying particular attention to the most disadvantaged countries.
- Respecting the environment, maintaining peaceful objectives for research and taking action in line with sustainable development principles.
- Taking action in line with the laws and regulations in effect, abiding by the principles of transparency and non-corruption.
- Abiding by the principles of neutrality and reserve in the event of civil, armed and other conflicts.