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Rabies Prevention Centers

Since 1995, three Rabies Prevention Centers of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC), Phnom Penh, Battambang and Kampong Cham provide rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to over 500,000 patients wounded by animals.


Rabies Prevention Centers

Since 1995, three Rabies Prevention Centers of Institute Pasteur in Cambodia (IPC), Phnom Penh, Battambang and Kampong Cham provide rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to over 500,000 patients wounded by animals.

Pasteur in Cambodia is taking steps to combat rabies

We are at the forefront of rabies prevention in Cambodia in terms of numbers of patients served, of extended geographical coverage, of the intradermal (ID) vaccination protocol used, and of the availability of equine rabies immunoglobulins (ERIG). 

  • First step is raise awareness by educating and communicating widely through Cambodia. We have noticed a real lack of information about this frightening disease.

  • Second step is to increase access to vaccination after bitten. As planned, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge opened two more rabies prevention centers, one is in Battambang province (2018) to cover the north-west region while another one is in Kampong Cham province (2019) because many national roads of the north-east region intersect at the capital of Kampong Cham. Currently, each of the two new centers is providing rabies post-exposure prophylaxis to at least 1,000 patients per month.

130 years after Louis Pasteur discovered the rabies vaccine and we still have about 800 deaths per year in Cambodia. It is not acceptable. It is a public health emergency”.  The Institute has recently launched a 5 years action plan to fight rabies in Cambodia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

Our actions



People know very little about rabies, its transmission and  prevention. Our 5-year action plan is to spread the information about rabies simultaneously across the whole country (2018-2023):

  • Until 2018, there was only one Rabies Prevention Center located in the capital city, Phnom Penh.

  • Our 5-year action plan is to promote the accessibility of Rabies PEP through the creation of 2 additional Provincial Rabies Centers.


A 48 pages illustrated book in Khmer, written by Institut Pasteur du Cambodge and designed as well as edited by local publishing house SIPAR. 


  • More than 16 000 books have been freely distributed to schools and mobile libraries, youth clubs, prisons, hospitals, garment factories, teacher training centers and many more.
  • Over 2000 books were sold to NGOs & individuals
  • 4000 books were offered to pharmacies & schools directors 
  • 32 500 books bought by companies to give for their staff and families.

Awareness Campaigns: On Cambodian markets, schools…



By 2020, our main goals have been achieved:  We have created two new Rabies Prevention Centers in collaboration with the Provincial Health Department, MoH. One is in Battambang province (2018) and the other in Kampong Cham province (2019). Both provide services at the same standard and pricing as in Phnom Penh.

Our resources

Institut Pasteur du Cambodge would like to share with you the free resources on rabies available on this page. They include training plans, posters, fact sheets, official WHO documents and videos. You can download them and use them for your events and you can also share these resources with others!


Let’s unite to fight against rabies.

Rabies is 100% preventable! Help us save lives.


Rabies Videos (with Khmer subtitles)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Video 1 : What is Rabies ?

Video 2 : Rabies in Humans

Video 3 : Rabies in Dogs

Rabies Videos (with English subtitles)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Video 1 : What is Rabies ?

Video 2 : Rabies in Humans

Video 3 : Rabies in Dogs

Training Content on Rabies for Human and Animal Health Staff
  • IBCM                                                                                  Sochetra Hak, GDAHP-MAFF
  • Rabies Surveillance in Humans and Reporting in Health Facilities                                                                                    Sao Sovann, CDC-MoH


Official Documents