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A book entitled "Insects in Cambodia", the fruit of close collaboration between the IPC and SIPAR Editions.

On Monday January 8, 2024, Sébastien Boyer, Head of the Medical and Veterinary Entomology Unit at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC), welcomed representatives from the NGO SIPAR, an association dedicated to promoting education and fostering reading habits in Cambodia. The association delivered a captivating book entitled “Insects in Cambodia”, the result of a longstanding and close collaboration between IPC and SIPAR. Published in three languages (Khmer, French and English), the book is primarily aimed at young minds aged 8 to 12.


The aim? To introduce young readers to Cambodia’s remarkable biodiversity of insect species, and instill an early passion for entomology in the new generation.


The lack of scientific books in the Khmer language has often been criticized. With this publication, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, in collaboration with SIPAR Editions, successfully addresses this gap. The IPC’s Medical and Veterinary Entomology Unit spearheaded the project, meticulously selecting Cambodia’s most iconic species to feature in this comprehensive and educational work. A cocoon of general information has also been woven to explain the life cycles and peculiarities of these fascinating species.


Among the authors of this work, Pierre-Olivier Maquart, already renowned for his numerous books published in France, collaborates for the first time with his colleague, Sébastien Boyer. Their expertise, combined with SIPAR’s expertise and experience, has resulted in an educational, accessible and awareness-raising book, addressing crucial issues such as the degradation of natural habitats and the pollution of fragile environments.


This fruitful collaboration between SIPAR and the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge deserves commendation, offering the Kingdom of Cambodia a genuine publishing success. Let’s hope that this initiative is only the prelude to future collaborations just as enriching.