Master of Infectiology Students (M1 & M2) Orientation Day at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
On October 3, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge opened its doors to the fourteen new M1 and M2 students of the Master of Infectiology on their first day of studies in Cambodia.
These students are enrolled in the joint Master program, a degree established cooperatively by the University Paris-Saclay (France), the University of Health Sciences (Cambodia), and with the support of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
This Master offers strong and comprehensive basis in significant Life Sciences and Health domains, as well as a high level of competences in Infectiology, and students validating their credits are granted a double degree from both universities.
This international (9 nationalities in total) promotion was given a presentation of the institute and got the chance to visit the different units and facilities. Scientists took the time to describe their research focuses and activities, and exhibited certain equipment.
Throughout the visit which allowed them to get accustomed to world of research, the students didn’t hide their enthusiasm. Every year, several M1 and M2 students are granted access to these top-level labs to undergo their internships at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.