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Visit of the CEO of the French Development Agency to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Visit of the CEO of the French Development Agency to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On Tuesday 21st February, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from the French Development Agency (AFD) led by its Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rémy RIOUX. This delegation was made up of two French parliamentarians … Read more

International University delegation received at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

International University delegation received at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On October 26th, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) received a delegation from the International University (Phnom Penh) led by H.E. Academician Neth Barom, Vice President, to discuss the possible collaborations between the two institutions, and more specifically in developing internships at the IPC for the … Read more