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While Tuberculosis is still a Public Health challenge in Cambodia, the international world TB day on March 24th was the opportunity for the TB-Speed project to highlight some achievements in its 5th newsletter.


The TB-Speed study Pneumonia released its first results, showing that: “TB screening at the time of admis­sion was feasible and could result in an increase in children diagnosed and treated for TB however, it did not contri­bute to reducing TB deaths among child­ren. It also brings additional evidence on the ac­ceptability, feasibility and safety of col­lecting NPA and stool samples to test for TB in highly vulnerable children.”


The TB- Speed Project is a Unitaid and L’Initiative-Expertise France funded research, supported by the ANRS, aiming to reduce childhood mortality due to tuberculosis. Institut Pasteur du Cambodge together with the National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosis Control (CENAT) and several health care facilities in Phnom Penh and in province, is implementing the study in Cambodia, contributing to the screening of thousands of children for tuberculosis.


Main results obtained during the whole project have been used to develop the:

·        new WHO Guidelines on management of tuberculosis in Children and Adolescent (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240046764)

·        new WHO Operational Handbook (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240046832).



Have a pleasant reading.