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The Epidemiology and Public Health Unit of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) published recently an article entitled “Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Forest Goers by Forest Malaria Workers: An Observational Study on a Key Intervention for Malaria Elimination in Cambodia,”

The Epidemiology and Public Health Unit of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) published recently an article entitled “Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Forest Goers by Forest Malaria Workers: An Observational Study on a Key Intervention for Malaria Elimination in Cambodia”. Publication of their latest study in The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.   This … Read more

Dissemination workshop on Findings from the OPTICAM Study for Tuberculosis preventive treatment initiation for People Living with HIV in Cambodia

Dissemination workshop on Findings from the OPTICAM Study for Tuberculosis preventive treatment initiation for People Living with HIV in Cambodia On March 27, 2024, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge co-hosted with the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS), the National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT) and the Clinton Health Access Initiative … Read more

One Health Rabies training for 125 human and animal healthcare workers organized in Svay Rieng on March 20-21st 2024 within the KAP Rabies project

One Health Rabies training for 125 human and animal healthcare workers organized in Svay Rieng on March 20-21st 2024 within the KAP Rabies project A two-day training on rabies reunited 61 human healthcare workers and 64 animal healthcare workers from Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. The training was organized by Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC), the … Read more

Evaluation of a short training course of chest X-ray interpretation for the diagnosis of paediatric TB

Evaluation of a short training course of chest X-ray interpretation for the diagnosis of paediatric TB The Clinical Research group of IPC (Institut Pasteur du Cambodge) participated in an international study with our partners (National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT), Angrokar and Batheay Operational District) to evaluate a training course of chest X-ray … Read more

Visit by Prof. TRAN Anh-Dao to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Visit by Prof. TRAN Anh-Dao to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On September 21, 2023, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) was honored to welcome Professor TRAN Anh-Dao, Attaché for Scientific and Technical Cooperation at the French Embassy in Cambodia.   Professor André Spiegel, Director of the IPC presented the Institute’s various activities and gave … Read more

Mid Term Evaluation for the 3rd National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey to Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Mid Term Evaluation for the 3rd National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey to Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On Tuesday September 20, 2023, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) welcomed WHO, donors and consultants of the 3rd National Tuberculosis (TB) Prevalence Survey for a mid-term evaluation visit.   The aim of the visit was to meet the IPC … Read more

Visit of Dr Y Lima, Vice-President and Director of Board Academic of Chenla University in Phnom Penh, to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Visit of Dr Y Lima, Vice-President and Director of Board Academic of Chenla University in Phnom Penh, to the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On August 31, 2023, the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) was honored to welcome Dr. Y Lima, Vice-President and Director of Board Academic of Chenla University in Phnom Penh, along with collaborating … Read more

Visit of a Delegation of Malaria Consortium to Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Visit of a Delegation of Malaria Consortium to Institut Pasteur du Cambodge On August 30, 2023, a delegation of Malaria Consortium visited the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) in Phnom Penh. The delegation was composed of Tom Heslop, Director of Global Operations and Asia, U.K., Mousumi Rahman, Country Director and Lieven Vernaeve, Program Manager in … Read more

Mosquito diversity (Diptera : Culicidae) and medical importance in four Cambodian forests

Mosquito diversity (Diptera : Culicidae) and medical importance in four Cambodian forests The Medical and Veterinary Entomology team from Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, in collaboration with the Epidemiology Unit and the Wildlife Conservation Society published an article highlighting an important diversity of mosquitoes in four forests of Cambodia, which responded differently to meteorological and geographical … Read more